
Walking, talking, laughing, developing, and learning
- Singing
- Sleep: Nap time is 12:00 – 2:30 p.m. Babies can start sleeping on mats around 12 months old when we start taking them. Therefore, we provide mats for naps. Parents must bring a blanket and a mat sheet.
- Language Improvement and Sound Mimicry: Our early childhood educators use sign language to interact with students who are not yet able to speak. Through this, Infants learn to connect a hand or arm motion with their needs or desire. As they learn to speak, this offers our smallest children a feeling of security and control over their surroundings. Families are urged to use Baby Signs at home to enhance language development.
- Furniture and all equipment in their rooms are age appropriate
- Exercise: A big rubber tile highly secured open space playground is on the second floor on a BIG deck.
- Development of the sight and touch senses
- Playtime, and hand-eye coordination
For parents, weekly lessons are posted in the room. We believe that your child’s growth is greatly influenced by the relationship between home and childcare. Your child’s development is monitored by our educators throughout the year, and you will have the chance to meet with them twice a year to talk about it after getting a progress report. Teachers can talk about all of your child’s accomplishments throughout the year at these meetings.
Staff to children ratio : 1:4
Toddlers/Busy Bee (19 months-3yrs old)

The following goals and objectives are outlined in our weekly lessons:
- Language and literacy improvement; Storytime with movement, magnetic board, puppets, picture clues, and recorded stories.
- Physical development and health;
- Teaching self skills
- Cognition, Creative arts, Science and Mathematics
- Enhanced math and reading abilities
- Dramatic play.
Dialogue, sharing, and creation
Your kid is now fully mobile and prepared to enter our toddler section for children aged 19 months to 3 years. Their social and emotional, cognitive, physical, and creative arts growth will be aided by our curriculum and lesson plans.
Our toddler room services include:
- Crossword puzzles and many educational board games
- Music
- Dance
- Indoor games
- Sleep: Nap time is 12:00 – 2:30 p.m. We provide mats for sleeping. For the purpose of preventing cross-contamination, mats are sanitized after each usage and covered individually. The mat sheet and blanket that parents are required to provide will be sent home at the end of the week to be washed.
- Potty Training: Teaching a toddler to use the potty isn’t an overnight task. It takes time to teach a youngster to use the toilet. Although it typically takes between three and six months, some kids may need longer or shorter. We do all potty training in the toddler room.
- Outdoor activities: A big rubber tile highly secured open space playground is on the second floor on a BIG deck
- Nutrition: A full-time cook prepares nutritious breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snacks using the Canadian Food Guide in the well-equipped on-site kitchen.
- Arts & crafts

Imagine/think, interact with others, and solve problems
Independent self-help skills instruction is a significant component of our curriculum for Preschoolers. Our educators also place a strong emphasis on peer conflict resolution, which involves children acting as mediators to settle conflicts among themselves. Our curriculum for this age group support children to be inventive, curious, social learners, adaptable/ have a flexible mindset, critical thinkers and purposeful and Reflective.
- social and emotional development
- physical development and health
- language and literacy
- cognitive development
- creative arts
- science and social studies
- Basic math skills
Nap time: Nap time is 12:00 – 2:30 p.m. We provide cots for sleeping. For the purpose of preventing cross-contamination, cots are sanitized after each usage. The cot sheet and blanket that parents are required to provide will be sent home at the end of the week to be washed. As a child’s physical and emotional development is significantly influenced by naps, we encourage all kids to nap. Kids who don’t nap properly are frequently crankier and fussier They frequently have trouble focusing, have short attention spans, and throw temper tantrums.
Children who do not require sleeping or resting will be provided with appropriate and quiet play activities, such as books (quiet reading time) coloring, puzzles, etc.
Senior Preschool (4-6 yrs. old)

- social and emotional development
- language and literacy
- physical development and health
- cognition
- creative arts
- science: Exploring the world around us
- mathematics: mathematical thinking and basic math skills
- social studies.
Children’s particular needs, interests, and talents are taken into consideration while designing educational programming and services, which are delivered in a setting that is developmentally appropriate. Our educators place a strong emphasis on peer conflict resolution, which involves children acting as mediators to settle conflicts among themselves.
With an emphasis on early reading, numeracy, community, personal, and social responsibility, as well as creative expression, the curriculum is tailored to each individual child by making adjustments to fit their present stage of development.
The Creative Munchkins Childcare program for this age group contains five essential developmental areas that will keep your child interested via autonomous discovery, organized play, and hands-on learning activities.
Nap time: Nap time is 12:00 – 2:30 p.m. We provide cots for sleeping. For the purpose of preventing cross-contamination, cots are sanitized after each usage. The cot sheet and blanket that parents are required to provide will be sent home at the end of the week to be washed. As a child’s physical and emotional development is significantly influenced by naps, we encourage all kids to nap. Kids who don’t nap properly are frequently crankier and fussier They frequently have trouble focusing, have short attention spans, and throw temper tantrums.
Children who do not require sleeping or resting will be provided with appropriate and quiet play activities, such as books (quiet reading time) coloring, puzzles, etc.